[OmniOS-discuss] pkg install $PKG does not install manifest or method?

steve at linuxsuite.org steve at linuxsuite.org
Wed Dec 12 10:57:57 EST 2012

> Howdy!
>        I add repositories and installed rsync, lighttpd. Hmm doesn't
> seem to copy a xml file for manifest or a /lib/svc/method file to
> control the service. Is this just not implemented yet? Where do
> I get them? or should I just copy from an OpenIndiana installation?
>     thanx - steve

    I copied manifest, and method files from OI and modified as follows

root at OmniOS:~/dfs2# diff -C2 http-lighttpd14.xml http-lighttpd14.xml.orig
*** http-lighttpd14.xml	2012-12-12 10:36:01.223668845 -0500
--- http-lighttpd14.xml.orig	2012-12-12 10:48:00.825013199 -0500
*** 126,130 ****
                <manpage title='lighttpd' section='1'
!                 manpath='/opt/OMNIlighttpd/share/man' />
                <doc_link name='lighttpd.net'
                    uri='http://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/Docs' />
--- 126,130 ----
                <manpage title='lighttpd' section='1'
!                 manpath='/usr/lighttpd/1.4/man' />
                <doc_link name='lighttpd.net'
                    uri='http://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/Docs' />

root at OmniOS:~/dfs2# diff -C2  http-lighttpd14 http-lighttpd14.orig

*** http-lighttpd14	2012-12-12 10:29:46.308987763 -0500
--- http-lighttpd14.orig	2012-12-11 16:14:10.309444146 -0500
*** 33,39 ****

  # constants
! typeset -r lighttpd_bin="/opt/OMNIlighttpd/sbin/amd64/lighttpd"
! typeset -r conf_file="/etc/lighttpd.conf"
! typeset -r pidfile="/var/run/lighttpd.pid"

--- 33,41 ----

  # constants
! typeset -r lighttpd_version="1.4"
! typeset -r lighttpd_home="/usr/lighttpd/${lighttpd_version}"
! typeset -r lighttpd_bin="${lighttpd_home}/sbin/lighttpd"
! typeset -r conf_file="/etc/lighttpd/${lighttpd_version}/lighttpd.conf"
! typeset -r pidfile="/var/run/lighttpd14.pid"

   Then did

   cp http-lighttpd14 /lib/svc/method/
   cp http-lighttpd14.xml /lib/svc/manifest/network/
   svccfg -v import /lib/svc/manifest/network/http-lighttpd14.xml
   svcadm enable lighttpd14

   root at OmniOS:~/dfs2# svcs -a|grep http
disabled       14:41:26 svc:/network/socket-filter:http
online         10:45:04 svc:/network/http:lighttpd14

      I put lighttpd.conf in /etc.

      This will probably not satisfy the Solaris guru's 100% but it
works for now until these files are in the pkg contents.


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