[OmniOS-discuss] Omni and vmware tools (ESXi 5.1)

Günther Alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Fri Dec 28 11:55:45 EST 2012


There is a first success report at

It seems that patch 
with a newer vmware tools version is needed to install vmware tools on 

If someone gets it working too, a confirmation and step by step howto
- patch ESXi (free) locally
- create a virtual floppy (needed with current Omni - needed with 
current stable ??) http://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/VMwareNotes
- How to mount installer cd in ESXi and install tools

would be very helpful (Maybee at the Omni wiki?)

I will check this asap too (a lot of other work the next days) to build 
an All-In-One system based on Omni instead of OI


> Happy Christmas all
> I would like to run Omni under ESXi 5.1 but found no info
> about how to install vmware tools.
> (I even tried to copy them from OI but got only an error when tried to 
> run the installer)
> Gea

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