[OmniOS-discuss] kvm / zones

Denis Cheong denis at denisandyuki.net
Tue Nov 6 04:28:51 EST 2012

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Bryan Horstmann-Allen <
bdha at mirrorshades.net> wrote:

> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | On 2012-10-31 16:53:28, Paul B. Henson wrote:
> |
> > Cool :), although I must confess I'm not completely clear on what you're
> > working on. Implementing the joyent zone brand under omnios? Or something
> > else related to running kvm in zones?
> It's actually not the joyent brand, but the kvm brand. The joyent brand is
> a
> modified standard "sparse" zones brand, which is (I think) very unlikely to
> work within the context of IPS (at least within the zones themselves!)
> The kvm brand does some work with networking, but not too much. It just
> requires a bit of thought in how you handle getting passed VNICs vs not,
> and so
> forth. I just haven't had much time to look at it since an initial run at
> Surge.

I'm really interested in this, did you get any further with releasing it?
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