[OmniOS-discuss] Setting service max file descriptors on OmniOS

Jared Morrow jared at basho.com
Tue Feb 12 14:24:33 EST 2013

Sorry, I meant to add a link to the documentation on projects:


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Jared Morrow <jared at basho.com> wrote:

> Steve,
> I don't have lighttpd installed, but it should work like anything else
> that is a proper service.
> You can add a project associated with lighttpd if there isn't already one,
> and set the max open file descriptors for that project.
> Here's an example:
> $ projadd -c "lighttpd settings" -U <username> -G <groupname> -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,65535,deny)" lighttpdproj
> $ svccfg -s network/http:lighttpd14 setprop 'method_context/project=lighttpdproj'
> $  svcadm disable network/http:lighttpd
> $  svcadm enable network/http:lighttpd
> That *should* do the trick.  I'll let someone from OmniOS correct me if
> I'm wrong, but that's what we do with our service (Riak) that needs a ton
> of file descriptors.
> -Jared
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:13 AM, <steve at linuxsuite.org> wrote:
>>    Howdy!
>>           I need to up the max number of file descriptors of the
>> network/http:lighttpd14
>> service
>>      plimit can do it after the service is up, but what is the correct way
>> to have this set when the service is started? Is there some "property"
>> that can be changed with svccfg? I can find some reference to
>>  ${PROPERTY_GROUP}/fd_limit but doesn't seem to exist in lighttpd ?
>>      This must be a common need. What is the correct way to
>> do this on OmnOS?
>>           thanx - steve
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