[OmniOS-discuss] Preconfigured distributable OmniOS NAS with mirrorred USB sticks

alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Fri Feb 22 15:09:38 EST 2013

about a ready to use mirrorred USB based NAS/SAN

OmniOS is more and more my first choice for a NAS or SAN solution.
With newer and faster USB sticks and disabled atime there is nearly no difference to a disk booted NAS or SAN.

I have now started "napp-it to go", a solution for a preconfigured ZFS File, SAN or media-.server running from USB sticks.:
I put together all needed things like cloning tools or support for mirroring in the Web-UI to allow

- booting a distributeable ready to use solution on USB sticks  (insert stick, boot and manage the preconfigured SAN via Web-UI), 
- no Unix skills needed for basic management 
- add a second stick to mirror rpool (Web-UI  Disk - mirror rpool)

Howto and Tools to clone such a ready to use stick (preconfigured for a special hardware like HP Microserver or a SM mainboard line)



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