[OmniOS-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Preconfigured distributable OmniOS NAS with mirrorred USB sticks

alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Fri Feb 22 17:14:34 EST 2013

I avoided USB with Solaris for a long time due to performance and reliability problems. 
Modern USB sticks are fast and reliable especially when combined to a ZFS mirror

Now I am more and more convinced, that booting a ZFS SAN is best done via mirrorred USB sticks.
No other method is as flexible and serious boot problems can be fixed without delay using a spare stick.

Even updates are painles. Use a spare stick, configure on a spare machine and updates are only a reboot with another stick.

With modern sticks, I do not see the need of a redirect of folders with some write activity  to RAM like SmartOS or EON are doing.
Keep it simple, keep it default.

Am 22.02.2013 um 22:37 schrieb Rob Logan:

> > about a ready to use mirrorred USB based NAS/SAN
> cool... I did that too
> http://rob.com/lancair/2013.01/usb.jpg
> but for USB write leveling
> we might want research what files to link to /tmp (ramdisk)
> /var/adm/messages
> /var/adm/wtmpx
> 				Rob
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