[OmniOS-discuss] Mail server package for OmniOS?

Hugh McIntyre lists at mcintyreweb.com
Thu Jul 4 22:52:54 UTC 2013

Just installed an OmniOS server for backups at home, and it looks like 
there's no mail server in the default package repo.

What are other people who need a mail server using?  This is only going 
to be for client-side sending of mail -- only in case cron wants to send 
mail, i.e. no local mail delivery.  Preferably either postfix (because 
it's used elsewhere here so I have a working config) or sendmail 
(likewise a working config from previous Solaris systems).

Is there another existing pkg repo (Openindiana, or ...?) or are people 
mostly compiling from source, or doing without?


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