[OmniOS-discuss] Preconfigured distributable OmniOS NAS with mirrorred USB sticks

Gea gea at napp-it.org
Fri Mar 1 09:45:04 EST 2013

"napp-it to go":
Preconfigured OmniOS based ZFS server distribution on USB

I have uploaded first betas of my preconfigured and ready to use napp-it 
USB ZFS server distributions with OmniOS
(newest bloody,  ZFS Version 5000 and LZ4 compress), CIFS, NFS , AFP, 
iSCSI Comstar and Xampp.

-> Download
-> Clone it  (use attached Software to a 16 GB USB Stick)
-> Boot it - Management via Web-UI

Supported hardware (my personal top 4 for a ZFS server)
- USB Image, ready to use, HP Microserver (SoHo, Backup und Mediaserver)
- USB Image, ready to use, Supermicro X9SCL/1155 (max 32GB RAM, 2-4 
Core, 17W Xeon, Medium size, All-In-One)
- USB Image, ready to use, Supermicro X9SRL/Single 2011 (max 256GB RAM, 
2-6 Core, Premium Server, All-In-One)
- USB Image, ready to use, Supermicro X9DRL/Dual 2011 (max 256GB RAM, 
4-12 Core, High End Server, All-In-One)

download: http://napp-it.org/manuals/to-go_en.html

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