[OmniOS-discuss] virtualbox installed on omnios latest stable

Geoff Nordli geoffn at gnaa.net
Tue May 28 14:34:32 EDT 2013

On 13-05-28 09:57 AM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Have you considered using kvm instead of vbox?  Joyent ported kvm to 
> illumos and use it for their hosting so I'm willing to be it has been 
> tested far more than vbox on illumos.  I personally use kvm on both 
> SmartOS and OmniOS.
> -Jared

Hi Jared.

I have been using vbox on OpenIndiana and it has been working pretty well.

What are you using to auto manage the startup/shutdown of KVM 
instances.  I use
http://sourceforge.net/projects/vboxsvc/ with vbox.

Out of curiosity, are you using any Linux VMs in KVM that has high disk 
IO/network throughput?  All my vbox instances are low usage, but I have 
been thinking about virtualizing a GlusterFS, because there is no good 
DFS option on illumos today.


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