[OmniOS-discuss] Oracle 11g/12c on OmniOS

Andrew Evdokimov ae at elahi.ru
Mon Nov 25 18:59:49 UTC 2013

Scott Roberts wrote, On 25.11.2013 19:58:

> Does anyone have experience installing Oracle under OmniOS?  Unfortunately, even in this day and age Oracle does not
> provide a text-based installer and OmniOS does not provide any X packaging.  A list of steps or a link to a howto would
> be fine.  I am hooked on OmniOS and am not looking to switch to a different Illumos flavor simply because of X support.

Hi Scott,

I've recently successfully installed 12c on bloody. You'll need:

1. 64-bit JRE - one bundled with OUI requires both X and Solaris libc. I've used latest OpenJDK 1.7.0_40-b43. You need 
to modify OmniOS build script to include support for 64-bit build if you are on bloody.

2. developer/build/make and developer/object-file packages. Please check that /usr/ccs/bin/as, /usr/ccs/bin/ld, 
/usr/ccs/bin/make and /usr/ccs/bin/ar exist and working before continuing.

3. response file to be used by OUI in non-interactive mode.

4. user and 2 groups

Then you can start OUI using following command-line options:

./runInstaller -responseFile /oracle/db_install.rsp -silent -jreLoc /usr/java

After that check if everything is fine (if not - check installer logs and fix issues) and continue with DB creation. You 
will not be able to run dbca or any other GUI tool since they need X.

Andrew Evdokimov
+7 910 450 83 33
mail ae at elahi.ru
xmpp ae at elahi.ru

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