[OmniOS-discuss] AMPO webserver stack (Apache, mySQL, PHPmyadmin, PHP, Owncloud)

Chavdar Ivanov ci4 at outlook.com
Thu Oct 10 10:30:43 UTC 2013



From: OmniOS-discuss [mailto:omnios-discuss-bounces at lists.omniti.com] On
Behalf Of Guenther Alka
Sent: 07 October 2013 13:47
To: omnios-discuss at lists.omniti.com
Subject: [OmniOS-discuss] AMPO webserver stack (Apache, mySQL, PHPmyadmin,
PHP, Owncloud)



I try to support the ampo community add-on for OmniOS/ napp-it (free at home
and commercially)
it includes:

*	Apache 2.4.6, 
*	MySQL 5.6.12, 
*	PHPMyadmin, 
*	PHP 5.4.19
*	OwnCloud 5.0.10 

You can install the whole ampo stack with one command
(without napp-it you may get some messages about missing files but you can

It uses the SmartOS repository as this is the best and most up to date
source not only for SmartOS
but for OmniOS and OpenIndiana as well:

You can test the first version of the online installer (run as root at
wget -O - www.napp-it.org/ampo <http://www.napp-it.org/ampo>  | perl

due to some dependencies, you need to run the installer twice.
Any help with this package and the installer is welcome as well as help with
other cloud add-ons like http://seafile.com/en/home/






Just to let you know it worked flawlessly on my OmniOS internal host; there
was already napp-it installed.  Next I will test the first Alpha of owncloud



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