[OmniOS-discuss] how can i use handy utilities like top, htop, nano, etc in omniOS.

Henk Langeveld henk at hlangeveld.nl
Fri Sep 6 14:03:31 UTC 2013

On 6 Sep 13 :47 , Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
> i hope you guys are not getting bothered with my linux to unix 
> comparative questions. because the time when i migrated from MS 
> windows to Linux i had same comparative question.
> As working in linux i am very use to and kinda dependent on some small 
> utilities like
> nano
> htop
> dstat

It looks like someone spent some effort on porting nano.

htop and dstat are a different beast - these are tools that peek into 
the kernel
and porting them would take the user interface and replace the entire 

That time would be better spent on learning the tools that are available 
in illumos/omnios.

Check 'kstat', prstat, mpstat, for example.


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