[OmniOS-discuss] Raidz2 autoexpand=on not working

Muhammad Yousuf Khan sirtcp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 09:41:30 UTC 2013

is this a bug or result of wrong configuration, to me it seems like a bug.
i notice that one of my FS set on top a pool (acipool) and that has been
grown instead of base pool.

Filesystem                      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/napp-it-0.9b3         27G   19G  8.3G  70% /
swap                             13G  340K   13G   1% /etc/svc/volatile
/usr/lib/libc/libc_hwcap1.so.1   27G   19G  8.3G  70% /lib/libc.so.1
swap                             13G     0   13G   0% /tmp
swap                             13G   52K   13G   1% /var/run
acipool                         284G   25G  259G   9% /acipool
acipool/aci-nfs                 259G   48K  259G   1% /acipool/aci-nfs
acipool/cmdnfs                  428G  170G  259G  40% /acipool/cmdnfs
acipool/iscsi                   259G   58K  259G   1% /acipool/iscsi

as u can see acipool/cmdnfs is grown to 428GB which resides on acipool, in
reality acipool has to be on this size.

here are some other impotent findings.

NAME            PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
acipool/cmdnfs  type                  filesystem             -
acipool/cmdnfs  creation              Tue Sep 10 12:33 2013  -
acipool/cmdnfs  used                  169G                   -
acipool/cmdnfs  available             258G                   -
acipool/cmdnfs  referenced            169G                   -
acipool/cmdnfs  compressratio         1.00x                  -
acipool/cmdnfs  mounted               yes                    -
acipool/cmdnfs  quota                 none                   default
acipool/cmdnfs  reservation           none                   default
acipool/cmdnfs  recordsize            128K                   default
acipool/cmdnfs  mountpoint            /acipool/cmdnfs        default
acipool/cmdnfs  sharenfs              rw                     local
ver sub FS grown to the actual disk size.

as you can see the FS size via ZFS command is still the same 258GB which
previously in df -h command showed as 429GB

any idea.

is this a bug or my wrong configuration, can anybody throw some light on
this matter.


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