[OmniOS-discuss] Install issues

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Sun Aug 24 17:59:43 UTC 2014

On Aug 24, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Scott LeFevre <slefevre at indy.rr.com> wrote:

> Dan,
> That did the trick.  I'm up on r151010. Thanks!

That's how I bootstrap new bloody releases (e.g. 151011 from 151010).  Never done it officially moving 006/008 up to 010.

> BTW, can this approach (with some modification) be used to move to OmniOS from a running install of OpenIndiana for example?

I don't think so, because:

	1.) OI uses a different package name, numbering, and possibly even contents in some corner cases.

	2.) I've never tried anything even close to it.

I moved my home server from OI to OmniOS when I started work here (see http://kebesays.blogspot.com/2014/06/home-data-center-20-dogfooding-again.html), and I just exported the data pool, reinstalled the system, took config files by hand from the OI rpool, and moved forward.

I'm VERY glad the alt-BE approach worked out okay.  I also use that approach to upgrade my zones.  The downside to that is if you have operational data in the rpool/BE, it won't all move over when you upgrade.  The OmniOS wiki recommendation for upgrading zones mitigates operational amnesia, at the cost of downtime.


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