[OmniOS-discuss] High Availability and clustering on OmniOS

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Thu Aug 28 17:13:37 UTC 2014

On Aug 28, 2014, at 1:43 AM, Vincenzo Pii <piiv at zhaw.ch> wrote:

> Hello,
> What software/technologies can be used on OmniOS to get an active/passive setup between two (OmniOS) nodes?
> Basically, one node should be up and running all the time and, in case of failures, the second one should take over transparently.
> Is the IHAC project (https://www.illumos.org/projects/ihac) still alive or forked and maintained somewhere else? When trying to access the Repository I get a 404...

The old project  was Open[Solaris] High Availability Cluster (OHAC). It isn't worth thinkering
with: too complex and overkill for just HA failover (I know, I wrote the book on SunCluster 3, way
back when...)

For a commercially supported product, take a look at High Availability Computing's RSF-1,

For DIY, Saso wrote up a how-to using pacemaker and blogged about it.

Be aware that there are a lot of alligators in the waters around building HA systems, many
of which are not in the OS software, but the OS has to deal with the "anomalies, lies, and
damn lies" from the hardware/firmware/BIOS/cables/drives/NICs/etc. If downtime costs you
money, then it is worth getting involved with domain experts -- those who know the idiosyncracies
of the environments.
 -- richard

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