[OmniOS-discuss] ipadm hangs on interface creation

Stephan Budach stephan.budach at JVM.DE
Wed Dec 10 19:56:08 UTC 2014

Am 10.12.14 um 20:28 schrieb Dan McDonald:
>> On Dec 10, 2014, at 2:23 PM, Stephan Budach <stephan.budach at jvm.de> wrote:
>> This worked, but I wanted to change the MTU, so I deciced to remove this config again:
>> ipadm delete-addr ixgb3/v4static
>> ipadm delete-if ixgbe3
> Interesting.  Your "dladm show-linkprop" output didn't have anything for ixgbe3.  I wonder if that happened because of the delete-if for ipadm?
>> Then I tried to set the MTU of ixgbe3 like this:
>> dladm set-linkprop -p mtu=9216 ixgbe3
>> I can't remember, if that already stalled, however, now dladm show-linkprop hangs and it does need to get killed -9.
> It's probably not able to find ixgbe3, and hanging.  The question is how did ixgbe3 disappear from the list of links (vs. ip addrs)?
I don't know… it seems to have serious issues with the MTU specifically…

root at nfsvmpool01:~# dladm show-phys
LINK         MEDIA                STATE      SPEED DUPLEX    DEVICE
igb0         Ethernet             up         1000 full      igb0
igb1         Ethernet             unknown    1000 full      igb1
igb2         Ethernet             unknown    0 half      igb2
igb3         Ethernet             unknown    0 half      igb3
ixgbe2       Ethernet             down       0 unknown   ixgbe2
ixgbe0       Ethernet             up         10000 full      ixgbe0
ixgbe3       Ethernet             up         10000 full      ixgbe3
ixgbe1       Ethernet             down       0 unknown   ixgbe1

root at nfsvmpool01:~# dladm show-linkprop -p mtu
igb0         mtu             rw   1500 1500           60-9000
igb1         mtu             rw   1500 1500           60-9000
igb2         mtu             rw   1500 1500           60-9000
igb3         mtu             rw   1500 1500           60-9000
ixgbe2       mtu             rw   1500 1500           1500-15500
ixgbe0       mtu             rw   1500 1500           1500-15500

So, dladm shows the phys status, but it isn't able to tell me about the 
MTU of ixgbe3…?

Needless to mention that ipadm also doesn't work. I will try to reset 
the MTU back to 1500 again and seem if I can get the interface back.


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