[OmniOS-discuss] Where to Run Omni

Dan Swartzendruber dswartz at druber.com
Mon Feb 3 15:12:20 UTC 2014

> Hello,
> I have a few questions about a project that i am trying to work on,
> needless to say i have 1 80GB SSD Drive that i can fit in this case, the
> rest of the drives are a RaidZ2 configuration and there cannot be anymore
> added Disks to this system period!
> My goal is to make the SSD capable of making NFS run better
> (Slog/ZIL/L2ARC) whatever... but i need the OS to go somewhere!
> My Questions are
> 1) Splitting the SSD into partitions and running is that bad i always
> heard it was my question is why?
> 2) Can Omni be run from say a 32GB USB3 key directly?
> 3) What options do i have here outside of adding a drive.
> I have SATA Slots on the mobo just no place to add an additional drive!

Given how small and flat ssd drives are, you can't tape one to the inside
of the case out of the way somewhere?

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