[OmniOS-discuss] pkg update

Yuri Pismerov ypismerov at gmail.com
Sat Jan 11 14:47:31 UTC 2014

I am on bloody and trying to upgrade.
After reading the list I found that bloody repository is no longer available, so I tried:

root at omnios:~# pkg unset-publisher omnios
root at omnios:~# pkg set-publisher -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/release omnios
root at omnios:~# pkg update
Creating Plan -               
pkg update: The certificate which issued this certificate:/C=US/ST=Maryland/O=OmniTI/OU=OmniOS/CN=OmniOS r151008 Release Signing Certificate/emailAddress=om
nios-support at omniti.com could not be found. The issuer is:/C=US/ST=Maryland/L=Fulton/O=OmniTI/CN=OmniTI Certificate Authority
The package involved is:pkg://omnios/library/libtool/libltdl@2.4.2,5.11-0.151008:20131204T024209Z

Then, after more reading, I found that CA ccert an be installed by downloading an unsigned package as follows:

root at omnios:~# pkg update web/ca-bundle at 5.11,5.11-0.151007:20130823T212116Z
Creating Plan                 
pkg update: 'web/ca-bundle at 5.11,5.11-0.151007:20130823T212116Z' matches no installed packages

As it says, it did not work. What are my options now?

root at omnios:~# cat /etc/release 
  OmniOS v11 r151007
  Copyright 2013 OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.

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