[OmniOS-discuss] kayak bugs, r151008j

Sean Doran smd at mis.use.net
Tue Jan 14 15:54:21 UTC 2014

Firstly, on:


	• Current stable: http://omnios.omniti.com/media/r151008j.zfs.bz2
md5  (kayak_r151008j.zfs.bz2) = 1c0060a51004f486343e1bc43d637c2c
sha1 (kayak_r151008j.zfs.bz2) = ffef3d56815b20be215f0170cc98617fda6b9657

The URL is wrong (and produces a 404 error).  It should be “http://omnios.omniti.com/media/kayak_r151008j.zfs.bz2”; the filenames in the grey checksum box are correct.

Secondly, the miniroot in pkg://omnios/system/install/kayak-kernel has a couple of problems.

	* curl fails because there is no /usr/lib/{32,64,amd64/libidn.so.11.6.11
	* curl also fails because there is  no /usr/lib/{32,64,amd64}/libz.so.1.2.8

Thirdly, the miniroot’s /kayak/disk_help.sh will bomb at line 124:

 log "Creating rpool with: zpool create -f rpool $ztype $ztgt"
 zpool create -f rpool $ztype $ztgt || bomb "Failed to create rpool”

because zpool create complains about not being able to share rpool in the absence of shareadm(1M).

Copying the missing shared libraries to the miniroot and working around the zpool exit status (all changes made via mount -o nologging `lofiadm -a miniroot` /mnt/t;  {cp ...,vi,…} /mnt/t/...), a kayak installation following the online docs appears to complete successfully.

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