[OmniOS-discuss] Dell poweredge

David Seira dseira at stackscale.com
Mon Jan 20 09:25:30 UTC 2014

Hi Dan,

Yes, the server uses the AHCI.

There aren't any message in the boot time, directly appears the PXE options.

The completely output is this:

module /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix: text at [0xfffffffffb800000,
0xfffffffffb94fbff] data at 0xfffffffffbc00000
module /kernel/amd64/genunix: text at [0xfffffffffb94fc00,
0xfffffffffbbd1ce7] data at 0xfffffffffbc95e80

x86_feature: lgpg
x86_feature: tsc
x86_feature: msr
x86_feature: mtrr
x86_feature: pge
x86_feature: de
x86_feature: cmov
x86_feature: mmx
x86_feature: mca
x86_feature: pae
x86_feature: cv8
x86_feature: pat
x86_feature: sep
x86_feature: sse
x86_feature: sse2
x86_feature: htt
x86_feature: asyc
x86_feature: nx
x86_feature: sse3
x86_feature: cx16
x86_feature: cmp
x86_feature: tscp
x86_feature: mwait
x86_feature: cpuid
x86_feature: ssse3
x86_feature: sse4_1
x86_feature: sse4_2
x86_feature: 1gpg
x86_feature: clfsh
x86_feature: 64
x86_feature: aes
x86_feature: pclmulqdq
x86_feature: xsave
x86_feature: avx
x86_feature: vmx
mem = 134167160K (0x1ffce9e000)
Using default device instance data
SMBIOS v2.7 loaded (8321 bytes) initialized model-specific module
'cpu_ms.GenuineIntel' on chip 0 core 0 strand 0
root nexus = i86pc
pseudo0 at root
pseudo0 is /pseudo
scsi_vhci0 at root
scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
Reading Intel IOMMU boot options
pseudo-device: acpippm0
acpippm0 is /pseudo/acpippm at 0
pseudo-device: ppm0
ppm0 is /pseudo/ppm at 0
ramdisk0 at root
ramdisk0 is /ramdisk
root on /ramdisk:a fstype ufs
acpinex0 at root
acpinex0 is /fw
acpinex: sb at 0, acpinex1
acpinex1 is /fw/sb at 0
acpinex: socket at 0, acpinex2
acpinex2 is /fw/sb at 0/socket at 0
pseudo-device: dld at 0
npe0 at root: space 0 offset 0
PCI Express-device: pci8086,1d10 at 1c, pcieb3
pcieb3 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,1d10 at 1c
PCI Express-device: pci8086,244e at 1e, pci_pci0
pci_pci0 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,244e at 1e
PCIE-device: pci1a03,1150 at 0, pcieb4
pcieb4 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,1d10 at 1c/pci1a03,1150 at 0
npe2 at root: space 7a offset 0
npe2 is /pci at 7a,0
PCI Express-device: pci8086,3c06 at 2,2, pcieb6
pcieb6 isd /pci at 7a,0/pci8086,3c06 at 2,2

Best regards,

2014/1/17 Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com>

> On Jan 17, 2014, at 8:13 AM, David Seira <dseira at stackscale.com> wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I'm trying to install OmniOS on a Dell PowerEdge C6220 but once I select
> the omniOS option in the grub, then it loads the drivers and suddenly
> stops. It seems that there are any problem with any driver. I've tried this
> with the iso image and also through the pxe without any succeed.
> >
> > Anyone has installed OmniOS on this server?
> Not OmniOS -> but I did install NexentaStor on a C6220 back in the old
> job.  This was for Dell themselves, and they had it configured per
> Nexenta's specs.
> Frédéric asked you which disk controller you were running.  Luckily, you
> supplied the disk model, and ST1000NM0033-9ZM173 is a SATA disk, so you're
> LIKELY using the on-motherboard SATA controller (hopefully under AHCI and
> not SCU -- these are BIOS options, I think).
> You should, however, look and see if you're running one of the optional
> RAID controllers.  Do you get any "LSI MegaRAID" text from the BIOS at boot
> time?  Also, what other text was shown (i.e. not just the last line) before
> it froze?
> Dan

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