[OmniOS-discuss] ncurses lib in r151010j

Cal Sawyer cal-s at blue-bolt.com
Fri Jul 4 08:35:37 UTC 2014


I'm trying to build iftop on r151010j because the available packages are 
rather stale.

     basename   file   opt/omni/sbin/iftop pkg:/network/iftop at 1.0.2-0.151006

     PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
     omnios                                origin online   
     ms.omniti.com                         origin online   

Running into an issue with ncurses during the configure stage

    checking for a curses library containing mvchgat... none found
    configure: error: Curses! Foiled again!
       (Can't find a curses library supporting mvchgat.)
       Consider installing ncurses.

however ...

     > pkg list ncurses
    NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION                    IFO
    library/ncurses 5.9-0.151010               i--

     > grep mvchgat /usr/include/ncurses/ncurses.h

     extern NCURSES_EXPORT(int) mvchgat (int, int, int, attr_t, short, 
const void *);    /* generated */
     #define mvchgat(y,x,n,a,c,o) mvwchgat(stdscr,y,x,n,a,c,o)

Looks like it's supported.  Any ideas?


- cal
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