[OmniOS-discuss] Netatalk Problems on OmniOS

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Thu Jun 5 23:29:57 UTC 2014

On Jun 5, 2014, at 2:48 PM, Olaf Marzocchi <lists at marzocchi.net> wrote:

>>> and also the version of SMB: illumos has SMB 1, not
>>> SMB2, and that is slow.
>> True; but as long as you are installing an extra package anyway you could
>> use samba for a more recent, albeit user space, CIFS service.
> SMB1 on 10.7-10.8 also took a LOT of cpu on my old iMac, AFP very little.
> I wonder with SMB2/3.
> Now that I have AFP working I can try Samba4, I wonder which one gives better performances.
> You mentioned user space Samba vs kernel space CIFS. Pros/cons? Is kernel space safer? Faster? Shorter access times? Better for few users or multiple concurrent users? I never found a comprehensive explanation of the differences of the two alternatives.

samba is designed to be portable to many different OSes. One design choice made to
reach that goal is to be single-threaded.

The illumos kernel is highly threaded. SMB, NFS, and SCSI services in-kernel are also
highly threaded and efficient.

Different design goals --> different optimization points. For some workloads it makes a
big difference.
 -- richard

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