[OmniOS-discuss] Multipathing, only one path visible - there ought to be two, what am i doing wrong?

Chris Ferebee cf at ferebee.net
Wed Mar 26 17:33:17 UTC 2014


Are you sure you have SAS expanders in your backplane? Supermicro will sell you the same chassis with or without expanders, with almost identical model numbers.

You’ve described a typical JBOD configuration (i. e., no expanders): Each LSI 2308 has 8 SAS/SATA ports, 4 ports on each of 2 Mini-SAS SFF8087 connectors. Thus, with 3 controllers you are running 3 x 8 = 24 SAS ports to the backplane.

Do you have the exact model number of the chassis or backplane?


> Am 26.03.2014 um 14:05 schrieb Nitram Grebredna <nitram at konsortit.se>:
> Hi!
> I'm having issues with multipathing, and i cant seem to figure out what is wrong. 
> The setup is a Supermicro 24 disk-box with 3 controllers (1 pcs internal SAS2308, two 9207i-cards, same firmware on all units), identified as follows:
> Num   Ctlr            FW Ver        NVDATA        x86-BIOS         PCI Addr
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0  SAS2308_2(D1)     00:01:00:00
> 1  SAS2308_2(D1)     00:02:00:00
> 2  SAS2308_2(D1)     00:03:00:00
> The machine has 12 ST4000NM0023 (seagate 4TB DP) disks in it and a couple or bootdisks. The controllers are connected via 2 cables per controller to the backplane/expander. I've Installed latest stable omnios on it.
> Excerpt from dmesg:
> [...]
> genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] mpt_sas2 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,e06 at 2,2/pci1000,3020 at 0
> scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] mpt_sas7 at mpt_sas2: scsi-iport 4
> genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] mpt_sas7 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,e06 at 2,2/pci1000,3020 at 0/iport at 4
> genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /pci at 0,0/pci8086,e06 at 2,2/pci1000,3020 at 0/iport at 4 (mpt_sas7) online
> scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd11 at scsi_vhci0: unit-address g5000c50057c1fce3: conf f_sym
> genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd11 is /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057c1fce3
> genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057c1fce3 (sd11) online
> genunix: [ID 483743 kern.info] /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057c1fce3 (sd11) multipath status: degraded: path 4 mpt_sas15/disk at w5000c50057c1fce1,0 is online
> scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] mpt_sas11 at mpt_sas1: scsi-iport 2
> genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] mpt_sas11 is /pci at 0,0/pci8086,e04 at 2/pci1000,3020 at 0/iport at 2
> genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /pci at 0,0/pci8086,e04 at 2/pci1000,3020 at 0/iport at 2 (mpt_sas11) online
> scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd2 at scsi_vhci0: unit-address g5000c50057ca74bb: conf f_sym
> genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd2 is /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057ca74bb
> genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057ca74bb (sd2) online
> [...]
> Excerpt from mpathadm:
> # mpathadm list lu
>         /dev/rdsk/c1t5000C5006C0BF63Fd0s2
>                 Total Path Count: 1
>                 Operational Path Count: 1
>         /dev/rdsk/c1t5000C5006C0B29C7d0s2
>                 Total Path Count: 1
>                 Operational Path Count: 1
>         /dev/rdsk/c1t5000C50057C1F5BFd0s2
>                 Total Path Count: 1
> [...]
> Excerpt from format:
> # format
> Searching for disks...done
>        0. c1t5000C5006C0B29C7d0 <SEAGATE-ST3300657SS-0008 cyl 36469 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
>           /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c5006c0b29c7
>        1. c1t5000C5006C0BF63Fd0 <SEAGATE-ST3300657SS-0008 cyl 36469 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
>           /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c5006c0bf63f
>        2. c1t5000C50057C1F5BFd0 <SEAGATE-ST4000NM0023-0003-3.64TB>
>           /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057c1f5bf
>        3. c1t5000C50057C1FCE3d0 <SEAGATE-ST4000NM0023-0003-3.64TB>
>           /scsi_vhci/disk at g5000c50057c1fce3
> [...]
> If i set mpxio-disable="yes"; in mpt_sas.conf the error above obviously dissapears and also i can see the 'real' device/controller id's when issuing the format command. 
> If things were working correctly i assume i would see a total path count of 2 per disk, and the multipath status wouldn't be set as degraded in the log? What am i doing wrong? I've asked google and since they dont know the answer to the question i'd thought i'd try a post here ;)
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Martin
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