[OmniOS-discuss] Status of TRIM support?

Dan Swartzendruber dswartz at druber.com
Thu May 29 18:15:56 UTC 2014

> On 5/28/2014 10:34 AM, Saso Kiselkov wrote:
>> On 5/28/14, 4:08 PM, Schweiss, Chip wrote:
>>> Intel has several SATA SSDs with proper super-cap protected caches that
>>> make good log devices.
>> I'd recommend looking at a Intel DC S3700. The 200 GB or 400 GB
>> varieties promise ~30000 4k random write IOPS and actually seem to
>> deliver:
>> http://www.anandtech.com/show/7065/intel-ssd-dc-s3500-review-480gb-part-1/3
>> They're also not so expensive that it'll break your bank:
>> http://www.amazon.com/S3700-Internal-Solid-State-Drive/dp/B00A8NWD68
> Second this. The DC S3700 are very good.

Pulled the trigger on a 100GB S3700 from Amazon...

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