[OmniOS-discuss] r151014 and ipmitool

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Fri Apr 3 22:03:22 UTC 2015

> On Apr 3, 2015, at 5:53 PM, Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> wrote:
> The new one will have a 20150403... value when it shows up.  I'll also re-ping the list.

r151014(~)[0]% pkg list -v ipmitool
FMRI                                                                         IFO
pkg://omnios/system/management/ipmitool@1.8.15-0.151014:20150403T215657Z     i--
r151014(~)[0]% ipmitool -h | & ggrep -H Interface
(standard input):       -I intf        Interface to use
(standard input):Interfaces:
(standard input):	open          Linux OpenIPMI Interface [default]
(standard input):	lan           IPMI v1.5 LAN Interface 
(standard input):	lanplus       IPMI v2.0 RMCP+ LAN Interface 
(standard input):	serial-terminal  Serial Interface, Terminal Mode 
(standard input):	serial-basic  Serial Interface, Basic Mode 
(standard input):	dcmi          Data Center Management Interface

I think that's better.  Please confirm/deny this on your end, Kevin?

Thanks again for the catch!

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