[OmniOS-discuss] Issues about OmniOS software installation package

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Fri Apr 24 14:39:27 UTC 2015

> On Apr 24, 2015, at 5:43 AM, Nan Xiao <xiaonan830818 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a newbie of OmniOS, and install OmniOS vagrant box today. I have
> the following issues about software installation package.
> (1) Is there any repository which provides *.pkg install package for
> OmniOS? I think it is very convenient to install software than source
> code.

The "omnios" IPS publisher has some stuff in it.  "pkg search <something>" can help.

There's another publisher:  ms.omniti.com, which includes compiles packages for things OmniTI uses itself.  It's not officially supported for external users, but we sure don't mind people using packages there:

	pkg set-publisher -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms ms.omniti.com

You should see a whole bunch of new packages there.

Finally, "pkgsrc" is available.  Its maintainer works at Joyent, so illumos support (which includes OmniOS) is quite good.

> (2) Could the OmniOS vagrant box with gcc installed? Lacking of gcc is awful.

Two versions of gcc are available from the main "omnios" publisher.  Just utter:

	pkg install gcc48

	pkg install gcc44		 (So you can build illumos-omnios)

and you're golden.


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