[OmniOS-discuss] Bloody update for December 11th

Günther Alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Fri Dec 11 17:30:04 UTC 2015

Many Thanks to Nexenta
and to OmniTi for this december bloody with SMB 2

I have just done some tests on OSX under Solaris 11.3 to check some 
options for a ZFS video editing storage server for my Mac Pros.

There are two must have principles: SMB2 and Jumboframes
see http://napp-it.org/doc/downloads/performance_smb2.pdf


On 11.12.2015 16:48, Dan McDonald wrote:
> This will be the last bloody update for 2015.  The new install media (ISO, USB-DD, or kayak .zfs.bz2) can be obtained via here:
> 	http://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Installation
> illumos-omnios is built from revision 2e8c0ba.  omnios-build is built from b7ab647, but is a faster moving target.
> New in this bloody:
> - PCRE to 8.38 (the one already patched in 014 & 016).
> - OpenSSH now works properly with the illumos audit system.  This will be backported to 014 & 016 soon.
> - OpenSSL to 1.0.2e (already patched in 014 & 016).
> - Package variant support for DEBUG kernels now built-in (more on this below).
> - ZFS receive now works with replication streams with intermediate snapshots that exceed refquota (a requested fix)
> - SMB2 support (thanks Nexenta)
> The "package variant" support (thanks to Jeff Sipek for the inspiration) allows a user of OmniOS to create a distinct boot environment with same-time-compiled bits, but with DEBUG enabled.  To create such a BE, you start by upgrading to these bits, and then you can use the "pkg change-variant" command.  The change-variant subcommand works a lot like install.  Here's an example:
> 	Last login: Fri Dec 11 10:30:56 2015
> 	OmniOS 5.11     omnios-2e8c0ba  December 2015
> 	# pkg variant -a
> 	VARIANT                                                                VALUE
> 	arch                                                                   i386
> 	debug.illumos                                                          false
> 	opensolaris.zone                                                       global
> 	# pkg change-variant -n debug.illumos=true
> 	            Packages to change: 188
> 	     Variants/Facets to change:   1
> 	       Create boot environment: Yes
> 	Create backup boot environment:  No
> 	Planning linked: 0/1 done; 1 working: zone:tz2
> 	Linked image 'zone:tz2' output:
> 	| No updates necessary for this image. (zone:tz2)
> 	`
> 	Planning linked: 1/1 done
> 	#
> If I wasn't using -n:  boom, instant DEBUG kernel in a new BE.  This will be handy for people who encounter problems.  We can request you create a DEBUG BE and reproduce your problem without having to ONU or do any other weirdness.
> As I said earlier, this is the last bloody update for 2015.  Have a happy holiday season (whatever you celebrate, or not) and a happy new year!
> Dan
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guenther.alka at hfg-gmuend.de

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