[OmniOS-discuss] Corrupted ZFS metadata?

Olaf Marzocchi lists at marzocchi.net
Thu Jan 29 21:13:55 UTC 2015

last week I tried to open some NEF (raw) photos I’m keeping in my OmniOS server, served to my Mac 10.10.x via netatalk 3.1.x and I found that they were corrupted: Lightroom gave me “unexpected EOF” and also Apple Preview and Nikon ViewNX 2 were telling and showing me corrupted data (good only up to a certain amount of pixels and then nothing).

I had the idea of checking my oldest snapshot and I directly copied the oldest version I had onto the current one (raw files are not subject to changes by Lightroom, but I didn’t overwrite the XMP sidecar files with the metadata).
It worked, all the photos of that corrupted folder are back again.

This means something went wrong while they were on the OmniOS server, who knows what caused it (OS X and AFP, or OS X and SMB I also used, or … ).

Today I had the idea of doing a diff between the oldest-snapshot (now current) version and the one from one month ago and also from one week ago.

$ for i in $(ls Lightroom/Photos/2010/Takumar/*.NEF); do diff .zfs/snapshot/daily-2013-08-10-03\:15\:00/$i .zfs/snapshot/znapzend-2014-12-28-000000/$i; done

No differences of any kind. Nothing.

This means the file was not corrupted but something else was?

Could anyone explain? thanks.

Also, is there a way I could check if more photos/files are in the same situation, without checking 10s of thousands of them via Lightroom?

Thanks again.

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