[OmniOS-discuss] QLE2652 I/O Disconnect. Heat Sinks?

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Fri Mar 6 16:38:42 UTC 2015

> On Mar 5, 2015, at 6:00 AM, Nate Smith <nsmith at careyweb.com> wrote:
> I’ve had this problem for a while, and I have no way to diagnose what is going on, but occasionally when system IO gets high (I’ve seen it happen especially on backups), I will lose connectivity with my Fibre Channel cards which serve up fibre channel LUNS to a VM cluster. All hell breaks loose, and then connectivity gets restored. I don’t get an error that it’s dropped, at least not on the Omnios system, but I get notice when it’s restored (which makes no sense). I’m wondering if the cards are just overheating, and if heat sinks with a fan would help on the io chip.

Is there a PCI bridge in the data path? These can often be found on mezzanine or riser cards.
 -- richard

> Mar  5 01:55:01 newstorm fct: [ID 132490 kern.notice] NOTICE: qlt2,0 LINK UP, portid 20000, topology Fabric Pt-to-Pt,speed 8G
> Mar  5 01:56:26 newstorm fct: [ID 132490 kern.notice] NOTICE: qlt0,0 LINK UP, portid 20100, topology Fabric Pt-to-Pt,speed 8G
> Mar  5 02:00:13 newstorm last message repeated 1 time
> Mar  5 02:00:15 newstorm fct: [ID 132490 kern.notice] NOTICE: qlt3,0 LINK UP, portid 10000, topology Fabric Pt-to-Pt,speed 8G
> Mar  5 02:00:15 newstorm fct: [ID 132490 kern.notice] NOTICE: qlt2,0 LINK UP, portid 20000, topology Fabric Pt-to-Pt,speed 8G
> Mar  5 02:00:18 newstorm fct: [ID 132490 kern.notice] NOTICE: qlt1,0 LINK UP, portid 10100, topology Fabric Pt-to-Pt,speed 8G
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