[OmniOS-discuss] list of know-compatible motherboards?

Andy omnios at citrus-it.net
Mon Mar 23 23:58:48 UTC 2015

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015, Joseph Boren wrote:

; Fault Class: fault.io.pciex.device-interr
; Affects: dev:////pci@0,0/pci1002,5a1d@a/pci15d9,a711@0  faulted and taken
; out of service
; FRU: "MB"
; (hc://:product-id=H8SLG:server-id=omnistor1:chassis-id=1234567890/motherboard=0)

15d9 is SuperMicro
and http://mirror.szepe.net/siv/pcidevs.txt
says that's an embedded MegaRAID.


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