[OmniOS-discuss] KVM Performance Update

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Tue May 12 20:32:46 UTC 2015

Thanks Dan, and just before I was about to migrate my kvms across to
r151014 too!


On Tue, 12 May 2015, Dan McDonald wrote:

; > On May 11, 2015, at 11:48 AM, Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> wrote:
; >
; >
; > 1.) Revert illumos-kvm to the pre-VND level as well.
; >
; > 2.) Keep up to date with illumos-kvm and illumos-kvm-cmd, but explicitly revert the VND changes in BOTH.
; >
; > I'm strongly leaning toward committing solution #2. Regardless of which, I will be issuing an update for r151014 later this week that will push KVM performance back to its pre-VND-bump levels.
; I chose option #2:
; 	https://github.com/omniti-labs/omnios-build/commit/0268a2ff04b1cbed2324054cb97a0f36c58989b0
; There's now an update for r151014 that has the updated system/kvm (qemu/userland) and driver/virtualization/kvm (kernel KVM driver) on the repo server.  A "pkg update" will update your packages AND boot archive without.  I do recommend, however, you power down your KVM instances and "pkill qemu" prior to running the update.
; Along with this update is a small fix to onu(1) for illumos developers who are working with r151014 as their base system for ONU-ing.
; Thank you all again for your patience,
; Dan
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