[OmniOS-discuss] Bloody // mailwrapper & mta mediator

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Wed Nov 4 00:31:32 UTC 2015

Hi Dan,

Last year you relaxed a dependency in the mailwrapper manifest so that
sendmail wasn't a mandatory package in OmniOS. However, I notice that
a sendmail dependency has now appeared in entire - sometime between me
testing an upgrade with bloody a couple of weeks ago and r151016 appearing.
(I can't check the history as I'm getting timeouts accessing the
 repository at the moment).

Any chance this new dependency could be similarly weakened or backed-out?
IIRC, there were a few other people who wanted to be able to remove
the sendmail MTA entirely.



On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, Dan McDonald wrote:
; Tell me, would weakening the requirement of sendmail by mailwrapper help?
; diff --git a/usr/src/pkg/manifests/system-network-mailwrapper.mf b/usr/src/pkg/manifests/system-network-mailwrapper.mf
; index fa855da..21cc0b7 100644
; --- a/usr/src/pkg/manifests/system-network-mailwrapper.mf
; +++ b/usr/src/pkg/manifests/system-network-mailwrapper.mf
; @@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ link path=usr/sbin/newaliases mediator=mta mediator-implementation=mailwrapper \
;      target=../lib/mailwrapper
;  link path=usr/sbin/sendmail mediator=mta mediator-implementation=mailwrapper \
;      target=../lib/mailwrapper
; -depend fmri=service/network/smtp/sendmail type=require
; +depend fmri=service/network/smtp/sendmail type=optional
; This keeps the spirit of the change, but doesn't trip up folks who want their own sendmail (even if they are technically violating KYSTY in their version!  ;) ).

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