[OmniOS-discuss] Fwd: Re: OmniOS r151016: perl build broken?

Olaf Marzocchi lists at marzocchi.net
Wed Nov 4 12:51:49 UTC 2015

Compiling Perl is also quite simple, for my scripts and for znapzend I installed a version in /opt and never had issues. 

Il 04 novembre 2015 13:30:45 CET, Lauri Tirkkonen <lotheac at iki.fi> ha scritto:
>On Wed, Nov 04 2015 13:05:39 +0100, Dominik Hassler wrote:
>> after upgrading to r16 I found that znapzend (pure perl program) got
>stuck in maintenance mode. The service status log file revealed the
>> "EINPROGRESS" is not exported by the Errno module
>> Checking the Errno.pm (core perl module) I found that the %err hash
>as well as the %EXPORT_TAGS hash are empty:
>> BEGIN {
>>     %err = (
>>     );
>> ...
>> }
>> ...
>> our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
>>     POSIX => [qw(
>>     )]
>> );
>> The Errno.pm build depends on the errno.h header file
>> (/usr/include/errno.h) which I found to be present on some of my
>> OmniOS r16 boxes but not on all of them.
>This issue is gcc5 related (there was one just like it in zsh,
>actually). Upstream perl fix:
>> As a temporary fix I copied the hashes from another Errno.pm on a non
>r16 system.
>> znapzend users be warned that upgrading to OmniOS r16 will currently
>stop znapzend from working.
>Only if using the system perl for znapzend, my znapzend from
>pkg.niksula.hut.fi works fine on 151016 ;)
>Lauri Tirkkonen | lotheac @ IRCnet
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