[OmniOS-discuss] SMB 2.1 any many other improvements

Günther Alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Sat Nov 7 10:41:07 UTC 2015

I will test the second bloody 151017 when it becomes available.

Hope for some explanations about how to join now correctly
and if it is possible and how to use a secondary AD server
in the Illumos wiki or the OmniOS wiki.

It is hard to find correct infos about new Illumos features
as the docs around are mostly related to Oracle or sometimes
extremely outdated like many entries in the Illumos wiki.

Sometimes you only find infos about new options in the OpenZFS
slides from some conference presentations or with discussions
@hardforum > data storage.. or @servethehome > Solaris..

A short reference with an example for essential new behaviours
or features would be extremely helpful. Maybe the release note
can include a short explanation for new features that require settings.

Thank you all very much


On 07.11.2015 00:06, Dan McDonald wrote:
> A big drop like this likely will not be backported. It will appear in probably the second update to this bloody cycle, since the first drop is already frozen.
> R151018 will be the first stable release to contain this.
> Dan
> Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)
>> On Nov 6, 2015, at 4:11 PM, Guenther Alka <alka at hfg-gmuend.de> wrote:
>> Just saw the notice at Illumos IRC
>> Long awaited (Gordon Ross from Nexenta, gratulation, among others)
>> SMB 2.1 is there - my Mac users will be happy
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/6399
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/6398
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/6352
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/6400
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/1087
>> soon
>> https://www.illumos.org/issues/3525
>> Pretty good news for OmniOS
>> Two question
>> - When -  will SMB 2.1 be included - to LTS or 151016??
>> - Can 6352 support Primary and a Secondary AD Server as a failover - and how
>> Gea
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H          f   G
Hochschule für Gestaltung
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73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Guenther Alka, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
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Tel 07171 602 624
Fax 07171 69259
guenther.alka at hfg-gmuend.de

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