[OmniOS-discuss] and now what ... getting back to the gate

Richard PALO richard at netbsd.org
Tue Nov 10 21:10:11 UTC 2015

Le 10/11/15 21:54, Dan McDonald a écrit :
>> On Nov 10, 2015, at 2:42 PM, Richard PALO <richard-S783fYmB3Ccdnm+yROfE0A at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> and go for it
>>> richard at omnis:/home/richard$ LANG=C pfexec pkg update -v --be-name b151017-20151110
>>> No updates available for this image.
>> dang, what's up?
> I usually retarget the omnios publisher itself, but what you did SHOULD work.
> If you specify a package, assuming you want entire... run "pkg update" specifying entire.
> 	... pkg update -v --be-name .... entire
> and see why pkg(5) is not letting you.  Or select a series of packages with timestamps from on-nightly, and specify those, seeing why pkg(5) won't let you.
> And why didn't you just try the /opt/onbld/bin/onu command?
> Dan

Well, I believe entire is for when I want to go back to the omnios distro, not to my gate...

But trying onu was enticing:
> richard at omnis:/home/richard/src/illumos-gate$ pfexec /opt/onbld/bin/onu  -t b151017-20151110 -v -d packages/i386/nightly
> beadm create b151017-20151110
> Created successfully
> beadm mount b151017-20151110 /tmp/onu.6AaajK
> Mounted successfully on: '/tmp/onu.6AaajK'
> pkg -R /tmp/onu.6AaajK set-publisher --no-refresh --set-property signature-policy=verify --non-sticky omnios
> pkg -R /tmp/onu.6AaajK set-publisher -e --no-refresh -P --set-property signature-policy=verify -O file:///home/richard/src/illumos-gate/packages/i386/nightly/repo.redist on-nightly
> pkg -R /tmp/onu.6AaajK refresh --full
> pkg -R /tmp/onu.6AaajK image-update
> Packages à mettre à jour : 330
> Terminé                             330/330     2339/2339    88.2/88.2    0o/s
> PHASE                                       ELEMENTS
> Suppression des anciennes actions                2/2
> Installation des nouvelles actions               3/3
> Mise à jour des actions modifiées        4131/4131
> Mise à jour de la base de données d'état des packages    Terminé 
> Mise à jour du cache de packages            330/330 
> Mise à jour de l'état des images          Terminé 
> Création d'une base de données de recherche rapide    Terminé 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> REMARQUE : consultez les notes de version disponibles à la page :
> http://omnios.omniti.com/ReleaseNotes
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> beadm activate b151017-20151110
> Activated successfully
> /opt/onbld/bin/onu[124]: [: ']' missing
> WARNING: Use of onu(1) will prevent use of zone attach in the new BE
> See onu(1)
> Updating zone zoneadm
> pkg: Aucune image ne se trouve à l'emplacement 'zoneadm/root'
> pkg -R zoneadm/root set-publisher --no-refresh --set-property signature-policy=verify --non-sticky
> pkg: Aucune image ne se trouve à l'emplacement 'zoneadm/root'
> pkg -R zoneadm/root set-publisher --no-refresh --set-property signature-policy=verify --non-sticky failed: exit code 1

what's all this last business?  
Richard PALO

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