[OmniOS-discuss] Apache for OmniOS r151016?

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Fri Nov 20 13:07:48 UTC 2015

> On Nov 19, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:
> What is the best way to obtain and install Apache for OmniOS r151016 which works properly and will survive the regular upgrade process?  I am really surprised to not find Apache in the standard OmniOS packages.

Keep Your Stuff To Yourself --> it was THE design decision behind OmniOS.  apache is part of that.  Hell, recent discussions have convinced me that openjdk needs to go away completely as well (we only have it because of illumos's poold).

> I spotted "group/feature/amp" but it does not work since the packages it depends on do not exist.  I do not want this whole group anyway since I have no use for MySQL and PHP.

OmniTI publishes, but doesn't support publicly, the "omniti-ms" repo, which contains a LOT of extras.  Basically, it's the repo that OmniTI uses in-house for its deployments.  I JUST put back a change that allows its packages to be more forgiving in the face of OmniOS upgrades (e.g. a package built for r151014 should work on r151014 AND LATER, not just r151014).

	pkg add-publisher -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/ ms.omniti.com

As I said, though, it's not officially supported for anyone beyond OmniTI internal users, but it's available for anyone who wants to Just Use It.  And it has a source repo, similar to the omnios-build one:


it's a bit more simplistic than omnios-build, however (no buildctl, and you just invoke individual build.sh as you see fit).


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