[OmniOS-discuss] usb printer debugging

Richard PALO richard at netbsd.org
Tue Oct 13 18:57:02 UTC 2015

Le 13/10/15 14:21, Dan McDonald a écrit :
>> On Oct 12, 2015, at 11:24 PM, Richard PALO <richard at netbsd.org> wrote:
>> On OI, I get automagically a printer and a fax device.
>> Any hints?
> Sure - we don't support CUPS in OmniOS.  That requires apache stuff, which was expunged to enforce the keep-your-stuff-to-yourself policies of OmniOS.  (Apache is only available on the "omniti-ms/ms.omniti.com" publisher.)
> Sorry,
> Dan
Well, I'm building a gate with CUPS and APACHE just to see.
But I'm still just a bit dubious, otherwise why would usbprn still be provided? omission? still smells anomalie somewhere...

Richard PALO

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