[OmniOS-discuss] pkg.depot leaves trash in /tmp

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Mon Feb 15 15:50:18 UTC 2016

> On Feb 10, 2016, at 12:57 PM, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <jeffpc at josefsipek.net> wrote:
> It looks like every time I restart one of my pkg.depot services (via SMF of
> course) it leaves an empty tmp dir in /tmp.  E.g., currently I have:
> root at pkg:/root# ls /tmp/
> jam56725b1b.000  tmp5iDpG8  tmpIo_2sK  tmpPHwxZq  tmp_BxvKY  tmpczrTLp  tmphSuu64  tmpqmn5U1  tmpvtu316
> jam56725b1c.000  tmp9HBNSq  tmpItXZJG  tmpPg1uCe  tmp_dgRyo  tmpd3G9Ig  tmpkmyfin  tmprYp7w8  tmpySkpaw
> jam56725b1d.000  tmpA9iuu9  tmpJRKIpV  tmpQHghRG  tmpa6uWks  tmpd6YxZq  tmplzKPzY  tmpsWzIgs  tmpzadiAf
> screens          tmpAoCZ2V  tmpLB0kvW  tmpV2qCK0  tmpaplUoo  tmpeVifyW  tmpneFKh_  tmpslF8tC
> tmp0gvvKf        tmpEsje8p  tmpLo0DtX  tmpVDRHZ2  tmpaqLWSe  tmpekH4qZ  tmpo1aPMW  tmpt7Ucwe
> tmp1ZrOC5        tmpFztsMb  tmpMeOoTb  tmpXXQU7B  tmpbnHKKr  tmpfi02rF  tmpo7vEWI  tmpt_15kP
> tmp3LrDfB        tmpG0u0U4  tmpNRp5gs  tmpXa2l5Z  tmpboqm_o  tmpgGWPdL  tmpofQC_p  tmpvHSd0v
> tmp4vXC5M        tmpH9j286  tmpNYOs87  tmpZtAcH0  tmpciYGBk  tmph292N2  tmpqfz2HY  tmpvmAscD
> Since they are just empty dirs, it's just annoying and unexpected.  (Instead
> of actually taking up valuable /tmp space.)
> Given that my best python still looks like C, I'm staying away from the pkg
> source code and just mentioning it here.

Something deep in pkg5 or even generic python is doing this.  A full OmniOS-on-demand build leaves a ton of empty tmp files around as well.  :-/

Thanks for the heads-up on this.


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