[OmniOS-discuss] pkgrecv --clone of omnios package repositories fails

Lauri Tirkkonen lotheac at iki.fi
Fri Feb 26 14:55:49 UTC 2016

Hi, I'm (finally) attempting to set up a local mirror for the omnios
package repository, but getting this when attempting to pkgrecv --clone
the r151016 repository, and a similar error for r151014, but bloody
seemed to work fine:

    pkgrecv at pkg:/niksula/pkg-omnios$ pkgrecv -s http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151016 -d /niksula/pkg-omnios/r151016 --clone -p omnios         
    Processing packages for publisher omnios ...
    Retrieving and evaluating 1930 package(s)...
    DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
    locale/lt-extra                    1930/1930   98719/98719    1510/1510  393k/s

    Verifying repository contents.
    Initiating repository verification.
    pkg://omnios/driver/audio/audiop16x                                 1/1931 -Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/repository.py", line 2391, in verify
        trust_anchors, sig_required_names, use_crls):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/repository.py", line 2288, in __gen_verify
        hashes, errors = self.__get_hashes(path, pfmri)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/repository.py", line 2005, in __get_hashes
        fnames = fname.split()
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1689, in handle_errors
        __ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1665, in main_func
        return func(conf, pargs)
      File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1512, in subcmd_verify
        for verify_tuple in repo.verify(pub=xpub, progtrack=progtrack):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/repository.py", line 2396, in verify
        raise apx._convert_error(e)
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

    pkgrepo: This is an internal error in pkg(5) version 1427212657.  Please log a
    Service Request about this issue including the information above and this

    pkgrecv: Pkgrepo verify found errors in the updated repository.
    The original package catalog has been restored.
    The clone operation can be retried; package content that has already been retrieved will not be downloaded again.

Contrary to what the message at the end claims, running it again will
proceed to redownload everything and takes forever, so this is a bit
annoying to debug from my end.

Has anyone else seen this? Given that it works for the bloody
repository, maybe it's a problem in a package in the r151014/r151016
repositories? Or should I not be using --clone?

Lauri Tirkkonen | lotheac @ IRCnet

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