[OmniOS-discuss] firefox24

Horáček Radim horacek at ssi.cz
Fri Jul 15 15:47:47 UTC 2016


please, how to install Firefox24 on OmniOS (bloody)? I used 
pkgsrc-2016Q1 - installed firefox24 and firefox24-l10n. But I get an 
error when running:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Any ideas?

Radim Horáček

IT Specialista | IT Specialist
+420 773 798 837 | horacek at ssi.cz

Special Service International, spol. s r. o.
Palmovka Business Centre, Na Žertvách 2247/29, 180 00 Praha 8
+ 420 222 722 590 | www.ssi.cz


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