[OmniOS-discuss] PHEW! OpenSSL 1.0.2g and 1.0.1s NOW OUT, albeit with SSLv2_* enabled

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Tue Mar 1 23:06:26 UTC 2016

First off, I apologize for breaking pkg(5) and who-know-what else.  I honestly didn't think SSLv2 would still be used, even just by software autoconf'ed to detect it.

Second off, I have rebuild OpenSSL 1.0.2g and 1.0.1s to INCLUDE the SSLv2_* entry points, from which all of the pkg(5) breakage resulted.  Make sure you're installing the very latest versions:

r151006(~)[0]% pkg list -v openssl
FMRI                                                                         IFO
pkg://omnios/library/security/openssl@,5.11-0.151006:20160301T225327Z i--

r151014(~)[0]% pkg list -v openssl
FMRI                                                                         IFO
pkg://omnios/library/security/openssl@      i--

r151016(~)[0]% pkg list -v openssl
FMRI                                                                         IFO
pkg://omnios/library/security/openssl@      i--

Those also demonstrate pkg(5) working with latest OpenSSL.  :)

Bloody's fate remains up in the air. I'm contemplating removing SSLv2 support from bloody, and when it ships, r151018.  This will require, however, some godawful bootstrapping, akin to the gcc version change I did for r151015/6.  Anyone who's a fan of bloody should followup on this thread to tell me what you think.

Thanks, and again, sorry,

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