[OmniOS-discuss] Plex mediaserver in an LX zone

Denis Cheong denis at denisandyuki.net
Sat Oct 8 12:28:19 UTC 2016

I am running Plex within an LX zone, there is very little that is
particularly special about it.  The article you referred to is a good start.

Publish any required file systems over lofs, configure your file ownership
and permissions correctly, and just run it as if it's Ubuntu.

On 8 October 2016 at 19:35, Günther Alka <alka at hfg-gmuend.de> wrote:

> about LX
> I have not yet worked with this concept.
> Main problem seems the lack of documentation, blogs and howtos or a simple
> ready to use example for OmniOS.
> A good start would be a documented example like a Plex LX mediaserver.
> Has anyone used this in SmartOS and can give some informations about doing
> the same with OmniOS? I will add a support menu for handling and management
> of LX containers in napp-it then as I suppose that many non storage related
> features and add-ons are LX containers in future.
> see http://lightsandshapes.com/plex-on-smartos.html
> Gea/ napp-it.org
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