[OmniOS-discuss] Missing /devices/pseudo/kvm* with Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3

Hanno Hirschberger hannohirschberger at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 5 08:13:23 UTC 2016

Sorry Dan, forgot to reply to the mailing list.

On 02.09.2016 16:06, Dan McDonald wrote:
> Please do this:
> 	pkg list kvm
> [...]
> Are those packages missing?  If so, "pkg install" them both.

Both are installed. Here's the output:

NAME (PUBLISHER)           VERSION             IFO
driver/virtualization/kvm   i--
system/kvm          i--

> [...]  If they are there in "pkg list", you may wish to "pkg verify driver/virtualization/kvm system/kvm" to make sure.

Now it's getting interesting. Here's the error the verification is 
telling me:

PACKAGE                                 STATUS
pkg://omnios/drive/virtualization/kvm   ERROR

    driver: kvm
       etc/name_to_major: 'kvm' entry not present

I checked the file and indeed there's no such entry. I mounted a few 
older boot environments. There's no 'kvm' entry in any of the 
/etc/name_to_major files. Do you have any idea how to tackle this?


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