[OmniOS-discuss] Network throughout 1GB/sec

Stephan Budach stephan.budach at jvm.de
Sat Sep 17 05:47:18 UTC 2016

Am 17.09.16 um 00:40 schrieb Davide Poletto:
> Hope not be wrong here but Port Trunking usage deserves its part in 
> the whole picture too: be aware that using Port Trunking (with LACP as 
> per IEEE 802.3ad) between your Servers' NIC and your 10Gb Switching 
> infrastructure - and this happens by aggregating "n" identical ports 
> together on both link's ends, as you wrote - doesn't consequently mean 
> that your "one-Host-to-one-Host" generated traffic will be able to use 
> and will be able to saturate all those "n" 10Gb based links 
> concurrently...


It's a common misunderstanding that bundling a couple of ports together 
with LACP results in bigger throughput, as one connection will always 
only deliver it's maximum physical bandwidth. There are bonding modes, 
which support that, but you'd have to be able to configure this end to 
end, with some round-robin settings, as of on wich NIC the next packet 
will be stuffed into the "pipe". Regular 802.3ad will not give you that, 
as it has been designed for redundancy, not performance.

So, LACP gives you mutiple read streams up to the number of NICs 
involved in the bundle, but writes from the host will always be on one 
NIC for any given connection. The classic algorithm is based on the 
source and target MAC addresses. So you will not be able to get 2 to 3 
GB/s over a 10GbE LACP bundle.

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