[OmniOS-discuss] network configuration script

Michael Rasmussen mir at miras.org
Mon Apr 3 16:01:37 UTC 2017

On Mon, 3 Apr 2017 11:41:15 -0400
Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> wrote:

> I'll need to take a look at this in depth.
Sure ;-)
> Our preferred license is CDDL.  Take a look at the prototypes directory for sample headers for each:
> 	https://github.com/omniti-labs/illumos-omnios/tree/master/usr/src/prototypes/
I have no particular reservation against a license I was just asking
not to unintentionally exclude myself.

> One thing about this, and I need to try it of course, is whether or not this could be modified to scribble commands into /mnt/.initialboot as a bonus feature of the new Kayak interactive install?  Say under a "post-install extras" sub-menu or something.
I forgot to mention that it is my intention to make every parameter
available through command line as well. Eg. if all necessary parameter
is available from command line then use them and only return status
code like 0 or 1.

> Pardon the latency.  Today is off for a number of reasons, and I won't be fully recombobulated until Tuesday.
I will make a new version later today which supports command line. Do
you need the file attached here or can you live with that you have to
fetch it from git?

Michael Rasmussen

Get my public GnuPG keys:
michael <at> rasmussen <dot> cc
mir <at> datanom <dot> net
mir <at> miras <dot> org
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