[OmniOS-discuss] VirtualBox 5.1 - Missing dependencies

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Mon Apr 10 09:29:20 UTC 2017

On Sun, 9 Apr 2017, Geoff Nordli wrote:

; Hi Andy.
; Any thoughts on why changing the autoresponse file is still triggering the
; dependency error?
; # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -r autoresponse -d
; VirtualBox\-5.1.18\-SunOS\-amd64\-r114002.pkg all
; Processing package instance <SUNWvbox> from
; VirtualBox-5.1.18-SunOS-amd64-r114002.pkg>
; Oracle VM VirtualBox(i386) 5.1.18,REV=2017.
; Oracle Corporation
; ## Executing checkinstall script.
; Checking package dependencies...
; ## Missing packages:
; ## IPS :  system/library/gcc/gcc-c++-runtime or system/library/gcc-45-runtime
; system/library/gcc/gcc-c-runtime or system/library/gcc-45-runtime
; ## SVr4:  SUNWPython SUNWPython-devel
; ##
; ## Please install either the IPS or SVr4 packages before installing
; VirtualBox.
; pkgadd: ERROR: checkinstall script did not complete successfully
; Installation of <SUNWvbox> failed.
; No changes were made to the system.

Ah, it's because I did the test installation in a zone. The checkinstall
exits with success if the zone name is not 'global'.

Try this:

	build# pkgtrans VirtualBox-5.1.18-SunOS-amd64-r114002.pkg . all
	Transferring <SUNWvbox> package instance
	build# rm SUNWvbox/install/checkinstall
	build# sed -i /checkinstall/d SUNWvbox/pkgmap
	build# pkgadd -d . SUNWvbox


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