[OmniOS-discuss] mountpoint on the parent pool

Dirk Willems dirk.willems at exitas.be
Thu Feb 9 17:09:04 UTC 2017

Thanks Dan,

I just was wondering about it, because in Solaris it's allowed we do it 
all the time and it's become a automatic behavior for us, but if we know 
it we can arrange it like you do.


On 09-02-17 17:41, Dan McDonald wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Dirk Willems <dirk.willems at exitas.be> wrote:
>> Hello OmniOS,
>> Why isn't allowed to install a LX-Zone or Zone if the DATA pool doesn't have a mountpoint on the parent ?
>> below example doesn't allow you to install a Zone or LX-Zone
>> root at OmniOS:/root# zfs list
>> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>> DATA                           432G   777G    23K  none
>> DATA/Backup                    432G   777G   432G  /Backup
>> DATA/LXZones                    23K   777G    23K  /LXZones
>> below example does allow you to install a Zone or LX-Zone
>> root at OmniOS:/root# zfs list
>> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>> DATA                           433G   776G    23K  /LXZones
>> DATA/Backup                    432G   776G   432G  /Backup
>> DATA/LXMatterMost              229M   776G   228M  /LXZones/LXMatterMost
>> It's kind ignoring because i like to make separated filesystems for having a nice overview :)
> All zones (not just LX) need to be a subdirectory of a higher-level ZFS filesystem.  This is so zoneadm(1M) can create the zone root.
> bloody(~)[0]% zfs list | grep zones | grep -v zbe
> data/zones                              3.90G   509G    23K  /zones
> data/zones/lipkg0                       3.14G   509G    24K  /zones/lipkg0
> data/zones/lipkg0/ROOT                  3.14G   509G    23K  legacy
> data/zones/lx0                           465M   509G   465M  /zones/lx0
> data/zones/lx1                           315M   509G   239M  /zones/lx1
> bloody(~)[0]%
> My bloody box has zones name per their brand, so you can see what I mean.
> Dan




**Dirk Willems* *
System Engineer


*+32 (0)3 443 12 38* <tel:003234431238>


*dirk.willems at exitas.be* <mailto:dirk.willems at exitas.be>


*Veldkant 31 - 2550 Kontich* <https://goo.gl/maps/2fuSkEZe3Lz>


*www.exitas.be* <http://www.exitas.be>

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