[OmniOS-discuss] LX Program Issue

Илья Кулагин kiv at kiv.pp.ru
Tue Jan 10 14:44:26 UTC 2017

Hi MT!

And which significant differences I see in zfs properties (sorry for
HTML but without it -- the difference is not so evident):

|Good | 	
	|Broken |

	| | 	
	| |

	|NAME        PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE| 	
	|NAME        PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE|

	|main/zones  atime                 on                     default | 	
	|main/zones  atime                 off                    local |

	|main/zones  aclmode               discard                default | 	
	|main/zones  aclmode               passthrough            local |

	|main/zones  aclinherit            restricted             default | 	
	|main/zones  aclinherit            passthrough            local |

	|main/zones  utf8only              off                   -| 	
	|main/zones  utf8only              on                     -|

	|main/zones  normalization         none                   -| 	
	|main/zones  normalization         formD                 -|

	|main/zones  casesensitivity       sensitive             -| 	
	|main/zones  casesensitivity       insensitive           -|

	|main/zones  nbmand                off                    default | 	
	|main/zones  nbmand                on                     local |


1. Atime. Maybe this backup software relies on atime some way? Anyway,
atime for root FS is important.
2. Aclmode+aclinherit. These are for ACLs. Non-defaults are used for
shares, for root FS the default is must.
3. Utf8only+normalization+casesensitivity. These are for file names.
Maybe backup assumes that, ex., .lock and .LOCK are different files
(usually on UNIX and Linux tis is true ;) ). BTW Linux (like UNIX or BSD
or evem MacOS) likes case-sensitivity and "insensitive" is for network
shares for windows-like clients.
4. Nbmand. This is some kind of locking, I don't know details. But I
also think that non-default is not a good idea for linux root.

So, I think that "right column" is not siutable as linux root filesystem
- because of case insensitivity, atime=off and uncommon acls+nbmand.

This is my opinion. And if You want - You definitely can fix these
settings one by one and realize what is the unique cause of backup
creash. It seems so.

С уважением, Илья Кулагин

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