[OmniOS-discuss] Upgrade from r151020 to r151022 - python conflicts and fails.

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Thu Jul 13 11:48:53 UTC 2017

On Thu, 13 Jul 2017, Svavar ?rn Eysteinsson wrote:

; As anyone encounter a upgrade fail from 20 to 22 ?
; I'm unable and get conflicts regarding python.
; Current system is :
; OmniOS v11 r151020
; OmniOS 5.11     omnios-r151020-4151d05  March 2017
; Before I did as the upgrade instructions stated, :
; /usr/bin/pkg unset-publisher omnios
; /usr/bin/pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g https://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151022/ omnios
; And my current publishers are :
; PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
; omnios                      origin   online F https://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151022

What are the versions of of your web/ca-bundle ad package/pkg packages?
Does this system have any zones? If so, what brand?

It is worth making sure that 'pkg' is up-to-date before attempting the upgrade:

   > pkg install pkg:/package/pkg

and the release notes state that web/ca-bundle must be up-to-date.

   > https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade_to_r151022


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