[OmniOS-discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT - OmniOSce r151022i is out

Dan McDonald danmcd at kebe.com
Tue Jul 18 20:01:39 UTC 2017

For non linked image (ipkg) zones, you'll have to likely do the detach/attach -u method.  Same as the OmniTI OmniOS wiki said.


Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)

> On Jul 18, 2017, at 3:47 PM, Andries Annema <an3s.annema at gmail.com> wrote:
> How did you handle any non-global (especially ipkg) zones?
> If I'm not mistaken, the procedure written here ...
> https://github.com/omniosorg/omnios-build/blob/r151022/doc/ReleaseNotes.md#upgrading-from-omniti-released-r151022
> ... is far from complete regarding zones. 
> I gave a virtual OmniOS-instance a go with it, but my zones didn't get along as I thought they might because of the "-r" option in the "pkg update -rv" commands.
> Shouldn't all the steps be done in every zone as well? And if true, how can this be easily done from the global zone? With something like this, I guess:
> # for i in $(zoneadm list | grep -v global | sort); do echo $i && zlogin $i <command>; done
> And is any "zoneadm -z <zonename> detach" and "zoneadm -z <zonename> attach -u" needed as well or does that only apply to larger upgrades like r151020 -> r151022?
> Any clarification in the procedure on github is greatly appreciated. Tnx.
> Regards,
> Andries
>> On 2017-07-17 19:27, Natxo Asenjo wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Tobias Oetiker <tobi at oetiker.ch> wrote:
>>> OmniOSce r151022i 
>>> OmniOS Community Edition is releasing the second update to the OmniOS r151022 LTS release. This update, in accordance with the release naming policy is carrying the letter 'i'.
>>> If you are still running vanilla OmniOS r151022 and are contemplating upgrading to OmniOS Community Edition now, you can find instructions on how to do that at the end of the release notes linked below.
>> just updated my home microserver from vanilla omnios, everything went perfectly.
>> Nice work. Thanks!
>> -- 
>> regards,
>> natxo
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